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Finalisti 2021. - glasujte i osvojite nagradu

Roaming and Raving od Cesar Canjura

United States

United States

The inspiration for this design came from music and visuals of classical music. It is meant to depict not only the feeling of movement through nature but the rhythm of the music itself.

O programu Cesar Canjura

Cesar Canjura is first generation born in San Francisco, CA to parents from El Salvador. He graduated from the University of California, Berkeley in 2009 with a BA in Architecture. Through studying design, he has discovered and developed the notion that creativity is fueled by passion for imagination and innovation. Since graduating, he has been seeking to establish a design firm with a fellow graduate and designer. Together, they share the concept of creating simple, unique, yet meaningful design through the constant flow of ideas, dialogue, and imagination.

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