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Finalisti 2021. - glasujte i osvojite nagradu

Meeting Point od Hannelore De Buhr



If you think about this design you have to imagine your family and friends coming together to your beautiful home to meet and spending time together. Hence the name: Meeting Point.
Bei meinem Teppichdesign muß man an Familie, Freunde und nette Leuten denken,
mit denen man eine schöne Zeit im gemütlichen Heim verbringen möchte. Der Name des Teppich: Meeting Point

O programu Hannelore De Buhr

Hannelore de Buhr was born in Emden in the northern part of Germany. She is an educated decorator and have worked for 5 years in Osnabrück, before moving back to Emden. At present she works as a media designer in a small company in Emden for the last 22 years. Her job entails dealing with a lot of different people and so one has to you always come up with new designs.
mein Name ist Hannelore de Buhr und bin in Norddeutschland, Stadt Emden geboren.
Ich bin ausgebildete Dekorateurin, habe 5 Jahre in Osnabrück und die letzten 22 Jahre wieder
in Emden in einer Werbeagentur als Werbefachfrau gearbeitet. In diesem Beruf hat man mit
vielen verschiedenen Branchen zu tun, sodaß man ständig neue Ideen umsetzen muss.

Ostvarite 15% popusta

Prijavite se sada i ostvarite 15% popusta na svoju sljedeću narudžbu*, tjedne e-poruke s ekskluzivnim pristupom ponudama, najnovijim trendovima i novostima o proizvodima.

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