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Finalisti 2021. - glasujte i osvojite nagradu

Aquileia od Serena Bellini



The design is inspired by the mosaic floors of the ancient Christian basilicas in Italy. The decoration represents spiralled vine-shoots with an Indian Peafowl and recalls ancient symbols linked to the sacredness and the divine.

O programu Serena Bellini

Serena Bellini was born in 1969 in Trieste (Italy). She studied Applied Arts at the Art Institute of Trieste and has a degree in Art History at the University of Trieste, and a Master in Education of the Artistic Rapresentation at the University Tor Vergata of Rome.
She is a painter and graphic designer. Her works have always been characterised by a costant artistic experimentation combining traditional techniques, with the use of digital technologies for the creation of decorations. She has also a particular interest in the patterns designs

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