Rugvista natjecanje u dizajnu!

Finalisti 2021. - glasujte i osvojite nagradu

FIGURKI od Arthur Schmidt



At the first glance at the rug you can´t help but seeing the similarity of the pattern to the Lego- puzzle of an interesting and unusual form. With the help of the bright emphases it is easy to combine the rug with any colourful design of the room.

O programu Arthur Schmidt

Arthur Schmidt was born in Russia and currently lives in the south of Germany. He studied product and graphic design in Saarbruecken. After graduation he was working in different design agencies and now he is working in the company which is one of the market leaders in the area of surface design.
Arthur Schmidt wurde in Russland geboren und lebt derzeit im Süden Deutschlands. Er studierte Produkt- und Grafik-Design in Saarbrücken. Nach dem Studium war er in verschiedenen Design-Agenturen beschäftigt und arbeitet jetzt in einem Unternehmen, das zu den Marktführern auf dem Gebiet der Oberflächengestaltung gehört.

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